You can help us combat light pollution and protect Tasmania’s night sky. Become a leader in night sky protection. Here are some ideas to get you started.

1 Inspect the lighting around your home

Poor lighting not only creates glare and light pollution but also wastes enormous amounts of energy and money. Take a few moments to inspect your property for inefficient, poorly installed and unnecessary outdoor lighting. Learn how by visiting our Outdoor Lighting Basics page.

2 Talk to your friends, family, and neighbours

You can be a powerful dark sky advocate for your community. Solving the light pollution problem involves raising awareness of the issue so that people are empowered to make better decisions as consumers, voters and community members.

3 Heed our calls to action

If you’re not one already, become a Dark Sky Tasmania member and receive our periodic action alerts giving you the opportunity to have your voice heard. And let us know what’s happening in your area as new threats and opportunities to protect the night skies arise.

4 HOST a talk

Our members can make a presentation to your business, community group, photography club, school or local Council. Contact us to find out more and book an appointment.

5 Visit an IDA Dark Sky Place

The IDA’s Dark Sky Places program recognises locations with exceptionally dark skies and local efforts to keep them that way. Many of these places are state or national parks - although not in Tasmania (yet). By visiting these locations your tourism dollars help sustain and protect these rare and fragile locales for the benefit of future generations. Find a Dark Sky Place.